エミ・レナータのインスタグラム(emi_renata) - 3月24日 00時25分

Hello Everyone,
It is our pleasure to announce that our goal of 724,920 yen was reached and we have made our donation to Kokoro Smile Project in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Ken.
For those who don’t know, Kokoro Smile is a project which cares for kids suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder to overcome their fears and barriers, and the funds raised by BRIDGE-FRP will be used on necessary school materials.

We send our love to everyone who were part of this great achievement. The supporters who donated the clothes, the customers who bought from our online store and everyone else who helped and cheered for us. We couldnt have made without all your support.

We would like to thank each and every one of you who, together with us, made this dream possible. ❤️BRIDGE TEAM: @エミ・レナータ @兼田カロリナ @tomokoravi @_deiah ❤️ #love #bridgefrp #charity


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