レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 3月26日 05時11分

The only way through is up. NEVER STOP FIGHTING FOR A GOOD LIFE!!! I just needed to tell you all that. I have been receiving so many emails and comments and letters and gifts and so many of you are sharing your stories it makes my heart burst with love. I feel so much for you and the thing is:

You deserve a good fucking life. I need you to know this. A GOOD FUCKING LIFE. I'm serious. You need more than just surviving, more than just staying afloat. It's not always easy and sometimes we have to fight our way through the pits of hell and that's ok because you are strong enough and beautiful enough and enough in every way. You are worth everything. You matter. So much. I love you. I love you I love you I love you. Keep going. Up up up. xx #thehappinesstour


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