ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 3月26日 19時27分

Pitcher plants – a botanical adventure.

This image, taken in 2007 as ‘bycatch’ on assignment for @ナショナルジオグラフィック was the seed for a story on Asian #pitcherplant, a diverse group of carnivorous plants, and their many different ways to make a living and to interact with animals. The story, photographed for @geomagazin in 2013, received a #worldpressphoto award in this years. Wonderful recognition for these cool plants. The vegetable kingdom sadly often does not get the attention it deserves in natural history photography. I will be posting more images on @christianziegler.
In this image a worker of a carpender ant colony crawls out of the hollow stem of a pitcher plant in which it’s entire, very small colony of about 20 workers makes a home. Photo taken in #Brunei by @christianziegler.


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