レイシー・シャベールのインスタグラム(thereallacey) - 3月30日 02時10分

It's with a broken heart that I have to tell you Teacup passed away yesterday. I always used the expression, "Oh I just love her so much that it hurts!" Yesterday, that phrase took on a much deeper meaning. Because I love her so much, I made the gut-wrenching decision to let her go. It was devastating but such an honor at the same time to be able to give her the gift of freeing her from her struggle. I would have done anything in my power to fix her little heart but there was simply nothing else we could do to help her. For over 15 1/2 years she brought the purest form of joy to my life every single day. She was the sweetest dog I've ever known. The bond we shared was something so special that there really are no words to articulate our connection. I'm so blessed to have been her momma. There will forever be a hole in my heart. She was an angel in my life and is now an angel up above. Rest in peace my sweet cup of tea. I will love you forever ❤️


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