ネネ・リークスのインスタグラム(neneleakes) - 3月31日 07時43分

WANNA BLOG FOR ME! As promised I am looking for 3 to 4 Bloggers to write my blogs on the last few episodes of the Real Housewives Of Atlanta including last nite! I will post them on my website NENELEAKES.COM tomorrow! Here are the rules (1) Keep it short, sweet and to the point (2) throwing shade is always good but keep the bad language to a minimum please (3) start your blog by saying something like..Hey Nene is no longer talking so I'm talking for her! My name is.... At the end of your blog, post your social media handle so everyone can tag you (4) send your blogs to NENELEAKESBLOGS@GMAIL.COM PS: even if you say something about me I will post it as long as it's fair.....I'm so excited! GO #iwillposttomorrow #theneverymondayafterthat #soexcited4you?


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