タンクのインスタグラム(therealtank) - 4月1日 03時29分

I don't post this woman @zenafoster a lot because her beauty is beyond Instagram and Twitter. I do it today to let the world know how proud of her i am! Having a baby takes a toll on a woman mentally, spiritually, and physically! She has met these challenges head on and come out stronger and more beautiful than ever! I salute all the strong beautiful women out there that take care of themselves and their children like only true queens can! We men should celebrate you more through our words and our actions!. Most importantly our music! Happy women make happy homes and a happy world. This picture is worth a thousand words and all of those words still can't say how glad I am that I've been able to spend life and create life with this woman. #Love #Queen #Hotpocketz #SLP2 #King


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




