Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 4月3日 03時42分

John Digweed @djjohndigweed has got to be the biggest hero alive in Papa Bear´s life. Without a doubt, he is the third most influential person in my life, together with Osho and my real father (Not the biological fool). I have listened to his music for thousands and thousands of hours. I have heard him play live for at least 100 times. I used to read every interview made of him, every article, every word that he spoke, and I analyzed them thoroughly. By listening to him, I was able to put into practice everything that Osho taught me until every single thought disappeared. His music is as dramatic as Beethoven´s music and as powerful as the Niagara Falls. Without exaggerating, I can honestly tell you that I am able to hold my own with Lions, Tigers, Jaguars and Leopards because I was able to hold my own while listening to John´s music. We have been friends for almost 15 years and every time that we get together, all I can say after our meetings is: "What an Elegant Human". For everything that I did, I used to stop and think if John, Osho and my real Father would approve. He has been, is, and always will be Papa Bear´s ultimate hero. My friends and I call him The Master Of Disaster...
@djjohndigweed @djjohndigweed @djjohndigweed @djjohndigweed #behuman #superhuman


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