デイン・クックのインスタグラム(danecook) - 4月3日 11時03分

I need to share a quick story. This photo is very special for several reasons.
1st: It's at @TheComedyStore in Hollywood. A club I've had a strange and fascinating history with but through it all I've deeply respected and highly regarded. Thank you for figuring it all out. I worked some stuff out too. Nice to meet you again and in a better place.
2nd: Sharing the stage with CK. I don't care what you think you know. You don't know what I know. We've performed on shows recently in NY and now here at this historic location. Felt amazing and right.
3rd: The comedians on the show. I've tagged them. Go check them out. Many impressive "stars of tomorrow" and it felt good performing with the new blood as it keeps you sharp and hungry. They are a funny squad so come support them.
Mostly I wanna thank @RedBan (aka Chris aka Brian) for always being a good guy and staying on me to do his show. Sometimes as creative types we overthink and you politely kicked my ass back down there. @DeanDelray too he's good people and a new/old comic.
That's it. Back to trying to stay alive for another day. But this gave me enormous pleasure.
I'm back at The Store so come on by!


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