Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 4月8日 11時54分

The Mexican Government just published a 500 page book written by one of our 2 top Veterinarians, Dr Miguel Angel Gomez Garza . He is the leading scientist in the world in his field. I'm super super happy to call him my friend and to have him on board. We are building projects to reproduce and release into the wild Jaguars, Lynxes, Ocelots, Eagles, Hawks, and Psittacidae (Parrots, Cockatoos, Guacamayas) and the world famous Quetzal plus all the Different species native to Mexico that we can get our hands on. Our other Vet is Dr Rafael Tinajero, the former director of the biggest zoo in the country. In charge of Pandas, Gorillas, and every other species imaginable (I don't like zoos by the way but he is also a genius). By far we have the best team of scientists in the country and a world class team over all.
Magic is about to start to show its true colors. You've only seen our Ecological Awareness side, not our mean, dark, strong and fierce scientific side. Together, you and us, are rewriting history. We'll balance our planet in this lifetime. Then, Papa Bear will leave silently to meet his Beloveds on the other side. But until that moment comes, you'll have to listen to me speak like an idiot to OUR babies...
It's all for Love...
@alexdelmazo44 @profepa_mx @semarnat_mx #saveourplanet #themexicothatilove #elmexicoqueamo #behuman #behuman #behuman


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