クリス・バーカードのインスタグラム(chrisburkard) - 4月9日 01時06分

Morale was low.. And there was serious talk of leaving. We had just sat through 10 days of icy/ wet and storming weather with lackluster unrideable waves. Some of us opted to try the traditional rotten sheep and vomited.
We sorta had to come to terms with the fact that this trip we had planned out for months was going to end without a decent good wave or photo to come back with. But collectively we decided to change our tickets and stay a little longer.. The next swell started and conditions finally came together.. It was an entire day of stand up barrels in one of the most remote islands on the planet.. We couldn’t believe our eye.. Watching this beach break transform from barely breaking to almost perfect.

Pictured is @hammered_sam doing what he does best in a 5mm thick rubber wetsuit. What an incredible trip with an all time crew. Thanks to those who supported it and made it possible @arctic_surf @danedamus @tyler_warren @goalzero @jquinny @preston__allen @surfer_magazine @アークテリクス @mizulife @olloclip @amazinggrass @westerndigital

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