ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 4月15日 07時19分

Photo by @christianziegler. Coiba island, Latin America’s largest uninhabited island (some 500 square kilometers) off the Pacific coast of Panama is a truly unique place with lots of endemic species of animals and plants. Having been a penal colony for almost 100 years until 10 years ago, it is still covered with lush rainforest that has long gone on the mainland, and surrounded by a rich ocean environment - a time capsule with high conservation value. Together with my colleague @Tim Laman, I am working on celebrational photo essay about Coiba National Park which will be posted here and on our accounts over the next couple of weeks.

Bat researcher Stefan Brändel from the university of Ulm is releasing a bat after sampling its DNA and parasites.

Photoexpedition to Coiba Island/ Panama coordinated by the International League of Conservation Photographers (see more @iLCP_photographers). Fusing scientific exploration and photography to support Coiba’s #conservation : 30 biologists, plus photographers @ChristianZiegler and @Tim Laman on assignment for @GEOMagazin. #Panama, #Coiba, #exploration, #biodiversity


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