Although beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, the feeling of being beautiful exists solely in the mind of the beheld. ~ Martha Beck. ???? I spent so many years in my teens chasing beauty. I dreamt of nothing more than to be a model, and to fit in with societies version of beauty. And Y'know what? I never felt more ugly in my entire life. ? I literally had to change EVERYTHING about myself to be a model and work in the modelling industry, to try and become 'beautiful', and even then it still wasn't enough. No matter what I did, I was still too short, too fat, too ugly. ???? And here's the thing, it's now well over 5 years since I quit the industry and I finally understand how wrong It all was, and how it skewed my perception of what beauty actually is. ???? When people ask me how I can be confident when I have a face full of acne (which is healing btw) my answer is always - it could be so much worse. I'm not the most confident person in the world. Sometimes, I can barely hold eye contact, let alone a conversation (unless it's about work, or the internet...) and in a group setting I crumble. However, get me one on one, and we could talk for hours. ???? Beauty is all about how you feel INSIDE. The moment you let other peoples poison enter your mind, is the moment you start to fall. Calling us ugly because of a skin condition doesn't make you any more beautiful. I could fix my skin, and you'll find something else to hate me for - and that says more about you, than I care to think about. ???? My biggest piece of self confidence advice is to make friends with person you see staring back at you in the mirror. You may not be friends now, but one day you will be, and when that happens, never ever let anyone come between you. Em xx ?? #motivationalmonday #mypaleskinblog

mypaleskinblogさん(@mypaleskinblog)が投稿した動画 -

エム・フォードのインスタグラム(mypaleskinblog) - 4月21日 02時02分

Although beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, the feeling of being beautiful exists solely in the mind of the beheld. ~ Martha Beck. ????
I spent so many years in my teens chasing beauty. I dreamt of nothing more than to be a model, and to fit in with societies version of beauty. And Y'know what? I never felt more ugly in my entire life. ? I literally had to change EVERYTHING about myself to be a model and work in the modelling industry, to try and become 'beautiful', and even then it still wasn't enough. No matter what I did, I was still too short, too fat, too ugly.
And here's the thing, it's now well over 5 years since I quit the industry and I finally understand how wrong It all was, and how it skewed my perception of what beauty actually is. ???? When people ask me how I can be confident when I have a face full of acne (which is healing btw) my answer is always - it could be so much worse.
I'm not the most confident person in the world. Sometimes, I can barely hold eye contact, let alone a conversation (unless it's about work, or the internet...) and in a group setting I crumble. However, get me one on one, and we could talk for hours. ????
Beauty is all about how you feel INSIDE. The moment you let other peoples poison enter your mind, is the moment you start to fall. Calling us ugly because of a skin condition doesn't make you any more beautiful. I could fix my skin, and you'll find something else to hate me for - and that says more about you, than I care to think about.
My biggest piece of self confidence advice is to make friends with person you see staring back at you in the mirror. You may not be friends now, but one day you will be, and when that happens, never ever let anyone come between you. Em xx ?? #motivationalmonday #mypaleskinblog


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