キーシャ・エップスのインスタグラム(lovekeishaepps) - 4月27日 05時50分

Ok.....I just received the best massage ever!!! Toes,legs,arms,shoulders,face & scalp?? AND he played spa music WITH the birds☺️ My husband & I told told him how thoughtful he was.Now here's the kicker...after being at Dance Competition alllllll day we get home late and he wants to give me a massage and I told him we'd have to do the next day because I was too tired and it was late.Do you know my little man greeted me this morning and said he didn't forget?! I asked him,"Are you giving me a massage because I mentioned to daddy that I needed one?" "No,I wanted to give you one because you were rolling your head and neck around like this all day"(he demonstrates what I was doing)
Thee sweetest little boy in my world.I know this was long ya'll but it's so important to share little acts of kindness like this.I've been on cloud 100 ever since?.....don't be laughing at my toes either ya'll??


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