unicefのインスタグラム(unicef) - 4月30日 00時42分

Chahana Dhami, 13, outside a tent shelter set up in a vacant field next to #Nepal Army headquarters, in #Kathmandu, following the massive earthquake. She and her extended family are sheltering in a large tent in the field after her home was damaged during the earthquake. “Right now I’m living in a camp in Kathmandu,” Chahana said. “It’s tough to live here. I’ve never experienced anything so difficult. But this is what life is about. That’s what I’m learning through this. I just hope everybody lives.” Around 1.7 million children are now in urgent need of aid in the worst-hit areas. #UNICEF #EverydayVoices #NepalEarthquake © UNICEF/NYHQ2015-1017/Nybo


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