Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 5月9日 10時29分

Part 2: Without the intervention of the Mexican Government @profepa_mx , these pour souls would have lived the rest of their lives likes this. Since Wednesday, both the government and us have been working nonstop on this case from Veracruz. People have to start realizing that intentions are not enough, these hostages have been living like this for years. AGAIN, THIS IS EXACTLY HOW THEY HAVE BEEN LIVING ALL THIS TIME...
Parte 2: Sin la intervencion del gobierno Mexicano @profepa_mx estos pobres Angelitos hubieran vivido el resto de sus vidas asi. Desde el Miércoles se ha estado trabajando sin parar para rescatar a estos bebes. La gente debe de empezar a darse cuenta que las intenciones solas no son suficiente. LES REPITO, EXACTAMENTE COMO LOS VEN HAN ESTADO VIVIENDO TODA SU VIDA...
@profepa_mx @semarnat_mx @guscar1974 #behuman #savetigers #savelions #saveourplanet #themexicothatilove #elmexicoqueamo #blackjaguarwhitetiger #boycottcircus


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Black Jaguar-White Tiger を見た方におすすめの有名人