ライカのインスタグラム(leica_camera) - 5月10日 02時06分

Glen Craig explained to us in a recent interview how he captured this iconic shot of Miles Davis on stage at the Fillmore East in New York City: "This was taken on the left side of the stage behind the speaker columns. Literally, I’m on stage, nobody can see me, and that was taken with a 35 mm lens. No telephoto, no nothing! So I’m right by the mixing board, hidden behind the speakers, nobody can see me, so there’s your panorama across. It doesn’t look like a 19; it doesn’t look like a 21. That’s a 35. Bingo!" You can see more of Glen's Miles Davis images at the "A Day in the Life of Miles Davis" exhibition on display at the Leica Store Los Angeles (@LeicaStoreLA) through Monday, May 11, and on the #LeicaBlog: http://bit.ly/LeicaMilesDavis. © Glen Craig #Leica #LeicaCamera #LeicaGalleryLA #??


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