WilldaBeastのインスタグラム(willdabeast__) - 5月27日 17時19分

I believe In my people . This family we have @immabeastco nothing can come between us real ones . My friend @staronstage ROBERT to the left (my right ) is on TAYLOR SWIFT'S world tour ?? on his day off he comes to my late sweaty class and works his butt off as do all my amazingly , talented friends that are traveling the world . It's really a test to the character of what we have .
And @lilrichswagg I made you get in this picture because you've been with me from the start and I know where you're going to go. And that's to the moon and beyond?? The work ethic that lives inside of some of us is undeniable love you kiddo ... #immaBEAST #real


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Kalani Hillikerのインスタグラム
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