男性ミュージシャン の雅-MIYAVI- さんのインスタグラム(Instagram)アカウントです。
Miyavi Lee Ishihara
I play the guitar. Sometimes, actor. Dad of 3. Ambassador for UNHCR (UN Refugee Agency 国連難民高等弁務官事務所)
雅-MIYAVI-: Got sick in LA…Cleansing full powerロサンゼルスで制作のはずなんだけど久々にがっつり風邪ひいたー関係各所少しご迷惑をおかけしております少しづつ良くなってきているので少しだけ心配してください笑がんばりますみんなも温かくして気をつけてね💊
雅-MIYAVI-: With one of the most passionate and dedicated Goodwill Ambassadors, #CateBlanchett and the great actor, the loveliest man on earth, also a pro photo-bomber @kehuyquan They shared such a powerful perfo
雅-MIYAVI-: Getting better.Thank you all for your sweet and kind words 🙏🏻おかげさまで回復して参りました。色々とスケジュールはことごとく吹っ飛ばしてしまってますがその分雑音や邪念が入ることなく逆にすげー集中して創作に向き合えています。みんなからの温かいコメントもありがとう家族や友人から薬やスープもらったり改めて人の優しさに感謝できる機会をいただき
雅-MIYAVI-: Tragedy of us.Stuck in the cycle. We are our own worst enemy.Is there any hope left それでも希望はあると願うことすらも許されないのか#Repost @miyavi_staff・・・Pre-sale https://register.goldenvoice.com/miyavi-at-the-roxy-theatre
雅-MIYAVI-: May 2024My new track “Running In My Head” is coming out with the new #CodeGeass series.来年、もっとギターバキバキいきます。ライヴで一緒に踊って叫んでね🎸#コードギアス
雅-MIYAVI-: Although I stuttered a bit hard in the middle of it (lol), I genuinely meant every word. I hope it comes across well. We will never stop calling for increased support for refugees and an immediate end
雅-MIYAVI-: See you on the other side.XX - Extra -In Yokohama2023.12.26.2023.12.27.@miyavi_staff
雅-MIYAVI-: Morning: suiting up. Evening: rocking out.You’ve got range, @miyavi_ishihara! From advocating for refugees at the Global #RefugeeForum to performing at the #NansenAward later that same day, Goodwill A
雅-MIYAVI-: Through the clouds I go Getting closer to the blazing sun Goodbye for now LAForgive me leaving my love and a trace of virus behind.空の上の景色が綺麗だったのでお裾分けずっと雲の上にいれたら素敵だなあと思うけど、まあ絶対寒いよね。乾燥するよね。地上恋しくなるよね。さらば
雅-MIYAVI-: Just found this but this might be it… LMAOなんか今ちょうど見つけたんだけどこれかも?😂#獣医学界に期待#犬も大変だよね#ロックスターも大変なのよ#てか写真関係ないんかーい#MightDeleteLater
雅-MIYAVI-: Nansen 2023As artists and ambassadors, we visit refugee settlements, listen to their stories, and share them with the world, often basking the spotlight. However, the true heroes are the individuals o
雅-MIYAVI-: 8 years ago I committed to supporting refugees. I have witnessed people who have been working for refugees and helping them on the ground everyday. And also I have seen firsthand the results unjust wa