Magnum Photosのインスタグラム(magnumphotos) - 7月18日 03時50分

@chien_chi_chang Hong Kong, 2009. What does jet lag look like? I have no idea but surely I am in the midst of it. I hope it will be over soon but there is no telling. Still, I do very much appreciate for those of you who generously share your tips to beat jet lag!! Below is an excerpt from the upcoming book Jet Lag. "It’s just another wakeup in another nameless hotel. Stilnox works for about three hours. What time is it? Why is it so dark yet so loud? Outside, a tsunami of motorbikes that could drown the sound of the twin-engine Airbus A330 seems to wash in from all directions. Even with earplugs and an over-the-ears headset, there is no escape. The hotel guests next-door have been moaning and redefining the Big Bang theory all night long. It was as if the wall would crack at any time." Hatje Cantz, Sept, 2015 #jetlag #hatjecantz #hotel #hongkong #alarmoclock #bed


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