マーロン・ウェイアンズのインスタグラム(marlonwayans) - 7月23日 14時19分

Happy bday me... Continue on your path, stick to your principles, never tire stay inspired, love hard, work hard, play hard, continue to take baby steps toward growth and the exploration of you. Stay committed to your craft, stay confident in your skills but humble enough to always try to improve in all areas. In this life you're NEVER THERE! Continue to work and see where God and the universe take you. Continue to HAVE FUN. Let nothing or nobody wipe the smile off your face or take the fun out of any journey. Life is too short to work with or be around assholes. Continue to bond with your family close friends and especially your kids because they have and always will be life's greatest teacher. Stay generous but be more selfish with your time and your energy. Try to rest more this year although you probably won't. Be fearless on that stage and allow yourself to share you... ALL OF YOU to the audience ... The good the bad and the ugly. Know that your expression of truths make it ok for them to share and express theirs. Be a light, give your wisdom freely to any ear that wants to listen. Stay true stay you... God provides so don't worry about the small stuff. Thank you God for another day yet alone another year. I have my health, my family, my loved ones and a career I love! I truly am blessed. Great things ahead...


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




