ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 7月27日 05時35分

Photo by Stephanie Sinclair @stephsinclairpix . Shot #onassignment for @ナショナルジオグラフィック, an Ethiopian teenager feeds her baby in a rural area of the Amhara region. With her husband disabled from an accident and her education halted by her marriage, the girl had limited ability to support her young family. Last month, the Ethiopian government reiterated its commitment to better support girls at the National Girl Summit held for the first time in its capital. “We all have an obligation to fight and eliminate harmful traditional practices that are violating the rights of girls who will take over as the future leaders,” said of Ethiopia's Deputy Prime Minister H.E. Demeke Mekonne. This week President Obama echoed his comments during his visit to Kenya and Ethiopia saying, "No country can achieve its full potential unless it draws on the talents of all its people, and that must include … women and girls." #letgirlslearn @tooyoungtowed


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