Kevin Richardson LionWhisperer のインスタグラム(lionwhisperersa) - 8月13日 11時12分

#Repost @lobbyforlions with @repostapp.
On March 13, 2015, after facts and truths were brought forward to Parliament by For the Love of Wildlife and Jason Wood MP, the Minister for Environment in Australia, Greg Hunt, placed a ban on the import of lion parts into Australia effective immediately. Naturally the Shooters and Fishers Party opposed this ban and Robert Borsak and Liberal Democrat Senator David Leyonhjelm presented false claims that the Minister was acting on emotions rather than facts and that the ban should be overturned.
Yesterday Senator Leyonhjelm tabled this disallowance motion at Parliament. I have just finished watching the video and there was not one member of parliament that agreed with him and the motion to overturn the ban was denied with a unanimous NO!!
I would like to personally congratulate and thank the team at For the Love of Wildlife, Jason Wood MP and Greg Hunt MP and all members of parliament that agreed with them for their work on this matter. The ban will remain in place in Australia with Australia leading the way in this matter.
Photo by Alison Lee Rubie @ally1812


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