ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 8月17日 22時47分

Photo taken by @スティーブ・マカリー // On the edge of the Thar Desert is Jodhpur, once the capital of a princely state. Its medieval quarter, surrounded by a ten-kilometer wall, is a maze of alleyways, often only wide enough for a man or a cow to pass. There are no cars or motorcycles, only vendors hawking their wares on foot. The old city is blue. Local guides say that the blue wash of the houses originally indicated the homes of the upper-caste Brahmins, custodians of holy places and the written word. Others contradict this, saying buildings used to be painted white, before the discovery that copper sulfate added to the white-lime-wash- turning it blue- deterred nesting termites. Whichever version is true, the color caught on. Varieties of blue, from royal blue to aquamarine, form the backdrop for a theatre of colour played out its streets, contrasting with the parched landscape of the surrounding desert.


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