Photo by @andywcoleman // Leaf monkeys take their name from the lush jungle foliage that makes up the bulk of their diets. Endemic to the jungles of #Borneo, red leaf monkeys are named for their shaggy, vibrant coat. They are rare to see along the Kinabatangan River, so we ventured out to an area where they are known to frequent. It happens to be adjacent to the Gomantong Caves - a feature known for its nightly parade of millions of bats leaving the cave and swiftlets who build nests in the cave. These nests are harvested (after the eggs have hatched) and used in bird’s nest soup. We happened to be there when the locals climbed hundreds of feet to the roof of the cave to collect these nests using a rudimentary series of rattan latters, rope and bamboo. It was a fascinating spectacle, but we came here for the monkeys so we left the cave and headed out to the walkway through the rainforest. We combed through the woods while the bats were flying overhead on their nightly journey to combat the insect populations. Finally, we heard some rustling and several red leaf monkeys made their way past us through the canopy, including this mother and her youngster. Taken while on a wilderness safari at Sukau Rainforest Lodge, one of the National Geographic Unique Lodges of the World. Stay tuned to @natgeotravel and @andywcoleman over the next few weeks for more images from this wilderness adventure. To read more about our Lodges experiences, visit #natgeolodges #sukaurainforestlodge

natgeotravelさん(@natgeotravel)が投稿した動画 -

National Geographic Travelのインスタグラム(natgeotravel) - 9月26日 08時40分

Photo by @andywcoleman // Leaf monkeys take their name from the lush jungle foliage that makes up the bulk of their diets. Endemic to the jungles of #Borneo, red leaf monkeys are named for their shaggy, vibrant coat. They are rare to see along the Kinabatangan River, so we ventured out to an area where they are known to frequent. It happens to be adjacent to the Gomantong Caves - a feature known for its nightly parade of millions of bats leaving the cave and swiftlets who build nests in the cave. These nests are harvested (after the eggs have hatched) and used in bird’s nest soup. We happened to be there when the locals climbed hundreds of feet to the roof of the cave to collect these nests using a rudimentary series of rattan latters, rope and bamboo. It was a fascinating spectacle, but we came here for the monkeys so we left the cave and headed out to the walkway through the rainforest. We combed through the woods while the bats were flying overhead on their nightly journey to combat the insect populations. Finally, we heard some rustling and several red leaf monkeys made their way past us through the canopy, including this mother and her youngster. Taken while on a wilderness safari at Sukau Rainforest Lodge, one of the National Geographic Unique Lodges of the World. Stay tuned to @National Geographic Travel and @andywcoleman over the next few weeks for more images from this wilderness adventure.

To read more about our Lodges experiences, visit #natgeolodges #sukaurainforestlodge


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