ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 10月11日 01時32分

Another #bts taken off the computer from my last shoot. I used to be so embarrassed of my legs. "Tree trunks" "thunder thighs" i had it all. I used to wish I had skinny legs and a "thigh gap" (totally unaware back then that due to my body type unless I starved myself to the point of becoming ill, this would never be achieved) now, i kinda like my legs and I embrace what I've got. Yes I still have bits of cellulite on them and yes when dieting down for a shoot they are still my problem area. But I can squat around 70kg for 10 reps with these bad boys, and when kick boxing they provide the power I need. I'm actually now instead wishing they were bigger and training wise, I do legs 3x a week to slowly achieve that. Don't be ashamed of what you have. Embrace it and work with it. You are unique and beautiful in your own way ??


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