マイケル・フランティのインスタグラム(michaelfranti) - 10月18日 19時01分

Mashing up beats and acoustic guitars on the song #MyLord at soundcheck with @jbowman72 and our drummer #ManasItiene. I love acoustic guitar music that makes you dance (flamenco, Gypsy, Irish, bluegrass, Cuban, samba...) and mixing it with a great beat rocks! I believe the best art comes from the clashing of cultures and the smashing of ideas and forgetting about the way things "should be". F*ck that, do what feels good, what ignites your passions, inspires others and challenges your horizons. Do something you've never done before... at least once a day!!!#LoveLife #BeServeRock #OnceADay #music #soulshinebali #guitar


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