ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 11月2日 16時23分

Photo by @daviddoubilet A harp seal pup rejoices in learning to swim in the sea ice covering the #GulfofStLawrence #Canada. At this stage their mothers have abandoned them on the ice to learn how to survive on their own. They have a tough beginning with high natural mortality. Mortality has been extremely high (+90%) in recent seasons that have seen higher than normal temperatures causing weak ice conditions that break up before pups are ready to swim. In Spain? visit my Ocean Respective exhibition #LACoruna #Spain through Nov 29 with Festival Mars de Mares with #NGLive event Nov 13. Follow @daviddoubilet for #moreocean with @jenniferhayesig @natgeocreative @thephotosociety #harpseal #seal #happy #ocean #joy #polar #baby


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Aria Alexanderのインスタグラム
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