スミソニアン国立動物園のインスタグラム(smithsonianzoo) - 11月21日 02時33分

“Part of managing any animals is keeping track of their weight and ensuring they are in the best condition. Recently, we began training our 17-year-old male and 10-year-old female Grand Cayman iguanas to station (hold still) on a scale. Both iguanas tend to be more curious than cautious when it comes to new items being presented to them, especially if food is involved. As they climbed upon the scale, I offered fruit rewards—they will do just about anything for a piece of banana! The male weighs 20.9 pounds and the female weighs 10.3 pounds. It will take some time to get them properly positioned on the scale without manual assistance, but with this first weighing session we’re on our way to establishing a consistent, stress-free and fun way to weigh our iguanas.” – Kyle Miller, Reptile Discovery Center Animal Keeper #ZooEnrichment

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