National Geographic Travelのインスタグラム(natgeotravel) - 11月21日 08時42分

I love finding old photos on am almost forgotten camera. Like finding $20 in the pocket of jeans you haven't worn for 6 months, it's an unexpected gift that pays dividends in memories. I had forgotten about this little point and shoot camera I had taken on a photo assignment to the South Pacific this past spring. I recently pulled it out for another reason and found a bunch of "in-between" shots....images I took in transit when having a big DSLR out was too inconvenient. Instantly I am transported back to that window seat on the airplane gazing out at scenery my eyes had never set upon in my entire life. I can remember dreaming of what it is like to be on that remote island right do people go about their daily lives on that tiny place? What would it feel like to be walking on that beach right now? All the thoughts, wonders, and thrills of upcoming exploration immediately come rushing back to me, and, goodness, is that a fun surprise. I haven't even had a full cup of coffee yet this morning and here I am flying over the Kingdom of Tonga wondering about remote stretches of pristine beach! Thank you for that surprise my long forgotten point and shoot rock. // photo by @jonathan_irish


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