Instagramのインスタグラム(instagram) - 11月22日 01時32分

New York City art director and photographer Justin Bettman (@justinbettman) would like to cast your old furniture in his next public art project. Justin reclaims disposed and unwanted items from New York’s streets and overnight assembles them into stylized comic sets, which he photographs then leaves up for passersby to capture with the hashtag #SetintheStreet. “In New York on trash day people just leave stuff out, so instead of going to [the] landfill I thought, ‘Why not give it a second life?’” he explains. Justin is inspired on his daily runs through the city, where he often finds items for the next set, whether it be a fake deer head or a bathtub. “I like the mundane everyday life no one choses to photograph — scenes which look like they could have existed but didn’t actually exist,” he says. Sets can take from four weeks to two months to assemble, and his latest ones were erected in London and Berlin. “I’d like to go to other locations,” he says. “The type of furniture in each location is very different.”
Photo by @justinbettman


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