アリー・ブルックのインスタグラム(allybrooke) - 11月27日 10時12分

Happy Thanksgiving to the best grandpa in the world. I can't believe it's 3 years today since you went to Heaven. I am forever thankful for the years I had with you, Grandpa. I miss you so much every single day. I wish I could have one more laugh, hear one more story, and make one more memory with you. But I cherish every single one that I do have. Thank you for always believing in me ever since I was a little girl. Thank you for always being so kind and wonderful to every single person that was around. Thank you for making the holidays so special. Thank you for taking care of my beautiful Grandma the way you did. Thank you for taking care of me and all of your grandkids. Thank you for always lighting up the room or house. Thank you for bringing so much joy to so many hearts. You are my angel now. I know you are smiling down from Heaven. Probably telling everyone your funny jokes. I really miss you more than I can say. We all do ? But I'll never forget your last words to me, "Everything is going to be okay". I hold them to this day and won't ever forget....I love you my sweet Grandpa. ❤️ Love, Ally


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