ケイラ・アイトサインズのインスタグラム(kayla_itsines) - 11月28日 20時20分

A week ago I got asked "1⃣what is your message for women -

2⃣ what's one thing you wish women would stop doing

3⃣ what does it feel like suddenly becoming a celebrity". In no particular order my response was, ➖Firstly, I do not, and never EVER, will consider myself to be a 'celebrity'. Having followers doesn't make you a celebrity or make you a better person than anyone else. I don't let the number of followers I have, determine who I AM, my morals or the way I behave. ➖The one thing I wish women would stop doing is COMPARING someone else's "highlight" moments ...to their own life. On social media typically we see the BEST parts of someone's day. I can tell you right now, I often sit in my bed some days in my pyjamas with no make up, my hair in a bun, drinking hot tea not going to the gym. I'm just like you, and everyone else is too. ➖Lastly, my message for women ... is to focus on how you FEEL, not how you look. I want every woman to wake up feeling good about themselves, feeling beautiful, feeling empowered and unstoppable. I want women to feel strong and to respect themselves. I want women to not only feel empowered but to empower others. I want women to WANT to help other women! These are my goals. ? www.kaylaitsines.com/app


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