キャメロン・ラッセルのインスタグラム(cameronrussell) - 12月1日 23時40分

@pmachakpa’s organization is providing solutions so brilliant, so transformative, so uniquely tailored the needs of the women they serve, that it’s hard to fathom how anyone could pause at giving women a place in the negotiations. She’s introduced thousands of women to sustainable technological solutions to everyday problems like a waste-to-energy briquettes machine that can process rice husk, groundnut pellets, and sawdust, reducing the environmental burden of a reliance on firewood for heating and cooking. She’s spread the use of solar dryers to dry tons of perishable crops such as tomatoes, oranges and vegetables during peak production periods. In her spare time -- that’s a joke -- she is finishing a PhD in economics, is the Nigerian national coordinator of the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, and is an Ashoka Fellow. Her work is transforming rural entrepreneurship, promoting food security and sustaining peace. In Nigeria people know Achakpa as Mama Environment, isn’t it about time the world did too? REPOST to #MakeTheseWomenFamous


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