ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 12月9日 09時12分

photo by @Joel Sartore | National Geographic #PhotoArk butterflies have landed at the #Vatican! These and many other #animals from National Geographic Photo Ark were projected onto St. Peter's Basillica in #Rome as part of 'Fiat Lux: Enlighten our Common Home.' The historic projection was assembled by the @OceanicPreservationSociety and Obscura Digital to honor not only #Pope Francis and his concern for humanity and #nature, but also to coincide with the climate change summit currently being held in #Paris. It is hoped that this large scale projection can create an awareness and a global movement to save the #Earth and all the species who live here. To see more images from this remarkable event, please follow @Joel Sartore. #photooftheday #joelsartore


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