テイラー・ペンバートンのインスタグラム(pemberton) - 1月3日 02時50分


12 months ago I decided to leave life in NYC to pursue a new project. What started as a pilot trip in Peru and Bolivia soon evolved to an 8 month excursion in North and Southeast Asia. I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect and left with no real plans, other than a one-way ticket to Hong Kong and a general idea of what regions and challenges I wanted to dig into.

@Contrateur is an amalgamation of several key themes/topics I’m passionate about: documentary, art, design, anthropology, geography, society, and so on. @Contrateur and its shape was constantly evolving, as the journey was strongly influenced by the people I met, the knowledge we would share, and the places that would then-be discovered. I gained access to certain regions of the world that would have been simply impossible if it weren’t for the help of foreign locals and other backpackers. I would say the majority of routes and regions explored were spontaneous, while other notable highlights were destinations that I’ve been slowly reading about and researching over the years.

Over 50,000 images were created across 9 countries, and a huge percentage is still yet to be released. You can follow the project further at @Contrateur where you’ll see retroactive excerpts from the project, as well as updates as work continues forward towards other form factors. And if you’re interested in getting involved, feel free to get in touch - taylor@taylorpemberton.com. I’m excited to have a separate home for the project as I can now start posting again more regularly now that I’m back in the states.

Thanks for all the love!



>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



