キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 4月13日 10時56分

Sometimes amidst the crazy all you really need is one long deep breath. Look for something to be grateful for. Look for it, because it's always there. There is poetry in every breath, grace in every movement, elegance in every word. If only we see it. Health is a gift that you take for granted until the day it leaves you. Family is a blessing that we often forget to appreciate. And our bodies and minds are a scared space, so often criticized and beaten up by the ego. The magical blessing of the Earth and its natural wonder, sunshine, blue skies and flowers surrounds us, but so rarely do we take the time to be real guardians of this planet. To truly appreciate yourself you have to love yourself deeply, accept yourself radically and forgive yourself entirely. To truly cherish the world you have to take the time to see it, to embrace, to feel it all, to let it all in. ?
How did you do with this week's #YogiAssignment Shantih? Did you have a moment of peace amidst the chaos? Check my last post for the full write-up. ?
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?


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