ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 4月30日 04時37分

There are no cars, no modern roads and no streetlights on Sark, one of Britain’s channel islands. Home to 600 people, Sark — which is off the coast of Normandy — feels almost stopped in time. For those who need to get around, though, there are bikes, horses and tractors. “One of my mates who loves Enya told me about Sark — Enya wrote a whole album about the island,” writes the photographer @jon_tonks, who visited Sark while on assignment for @nytmag. “But I really wanted to go because Sark has a designation as a Dark Sky island, so there’s very little light pollution.” @jon_tonks took this photo while traveling by boat between the coastal town of Poole and Guernsey, a larger island about an hour from Sark.

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