ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 4月30日 07時06分

“I’m not what someone thinks of when they think of prom queen.” When 17-year-old Zarifeh Shalabi found out that she had been nominated for the ultimate title of teenage acceptance, she was more worried about getting permission to attend the dance than worried about winning. Zarifeh — a senior at a high school in Fontana, California — is the daughter of observant Muslims. She has always been expected to stay close to home and to limit her socializing with boys. So while her non-Muslim friends campaigned for her by wearing hijabs in solidarity, Zarifeh worked on convincing her parents to let her go to the prom. Ultimately, her mother said yes, and Zarifeh went with a large group of female friends. “Everyone was screaming, and I was just shocked,” she said of the announcement. The flowing fabric of her hijab kept the crown from staying put, so much of the night Zarifeh let her friends wear it. @ニューヨーク・タイムズ staff photographer @malmeidapix photographed Zarifeh modeling the outfit she wore to the prom.


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