Keith Ladzinskiのインスタグラム(ladzinski) - 5月11日 06時05分

#FreshwaterLilies swaying in the crystal clear water in #evergladesnationalpark. Although it may look like a large swamp, the Everglades is actually a slow moving river, some 60 miles wide and over 100 miles long. It's most preserved portion is in the National Park, a haven and symbol of what the southern point of Florida once looked like. It's an intricate ecosystem of wildlife, marine life and flora. I took my first visit to the park this last March with @andy_mann and was completely blown away with the beauty of this place. If you're ever in the area it's very worth a visit. #ClimateChange is affecting the southern reaches of the park, as sea level rises salinity levels are increasing in the fresh water zones. In the coming decades there are a lot of question marks as to how this landscape will be changed. @ナショナルジオグラフィック


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