アメリカ自然史博物館のインスタグラム(amnh) - 5月21日 05時09分

TGI #FossilFriday!
With a body reaching about 20 feet in length, Centrosaurus, which belongs to a group of horned dinosaurs called centrosaurines, was smaller than its more famous cousin Triceratops, which belonged to the other major group of horned dinosaurs called chasmosaurines.
This specimen was uncovered by famed fossil-hunter Barnum Brown in 1914. He considered it to be the most complete specimen he had ever found, “in all details from the tip of the tail to the end of the nose.” Centrosaurus lived in the Late Cretaceous, about 75 million years ago. Brown and his crew discovered the skeleton in the spectacular badlands along the Red Deer River in Canada.


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