アメリカ自然史博物館のインスタグラム(amnh) - 5月22日 07時24分

On Sunday, May 22, Mars is directly opposite the Sun, as Earth lines up exactly between both objects. Mars is currently retrograding in apparent sky motion relative to background stars, as Earth catches up with the slower orbiting planet. Our closest proximity is reached May 30. By then, Mars is vivid, appearing about as bright as Jupiter for the first time in a decade. With its rusty color, views of the “red” planet shouldn’t be missed.If you’ve never spotted Mars, tonight, May 21, the night before opposition, provides a good opportunity to get personally acquainted. The Full Moon is then just six degrees of arc north of the red planet. Due to the Moon’s brilliance, blocking its light with your hand helps make Mars easier to see that night!
Image: @NASA


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