National Geographic Travelのインスタグラム(natgeotravel) - 6月3日 11時11分

Photo by @andywcoleman // Just fifteen minutes into our morning game drive, we came upon this male lion and his brother. It was a great spot by our tracker as they were pretty well hidden in some brush and we could have easily missed them as we drove along the road. We waited patiently, waiting for the sun to come up, hoping that they would be active in the morning light. There was a large buffalo herd in the area and we thought we might be lucky enough to see a hunt. They did get up and walk towards our vehicle, but weren't on their feet very long. After a half hour, it was clear they were not going to be moving any time soon so we headed off in search of other sights. They were in almost the exact same place when we returned to the area over 12 hours later. Such is the life of a lion.


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Sarah Kohanのインスタグラム
Sarah Kohanさんがフォロー

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