ニューヨーク近代美術館のインスタグラム(themuseumofmodernart) - 6月5日 07時30分

“I was about 12 years old when I figured out that I wanted to be a dancer. I started dancing when I was nine. I was terrible at sports. I just didn’t like anything else. But there was a moment when I just thought dancing was too hard. Ballet is really fulfilling when you have these moments of clarity and artistic vision, but there’s so much in between that, so much discipline, and disappointment, and struggle, and sweat, and pain. What you get on stage is ideally a performance that takes you out of your life. And that works both ways: audience and artist. That's when I like dancing the most, when I am the music, and you just forget everything else.”—@jamesbwhiteside

Thanks for following #CreativeNewYork, and read the full #PopRally Q&A at the link in our profile. Questions for @isabellaboylston and @jamesbwhiteside? Ask in the comments. [Isabella Boylston and James Whiteside. Photograph: @samerei]


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