unicefのインスタグラム(unicef) - 6月24日 04時22分

Ingra Rodrigues’ life is along the Solimões river. Her family is among 1 million families living in riparian zones in the Brazilian Amazon region. Daughter of a farmer and an artisan, the 17 year-old dreams of studying biomedical science. To reach this goal, she studies all the time and everywhere, especially on her daily long trip to school on a boat. Last Sunday, Ingra was in Manaus, in Amazonas State, to carry the Olympic Torch. @unicefbrasil selected the young girl in collaboration with the #Rio2016 Olympic Games, to represent all children and adolescents who, like her, live in remote areas nearby the river. #Brazil #TeamUNICEF © UNICEF/BRZ/Fred Borba


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