ニッキー・リードのインスタグラム(nikkireed) - 7月3日 03時44分

Starting tomorrow I will be donating my social media every Sunday to my friends/co-stars/campaign leaders for the #PutAPriceOnIt campaign. After working on this last episode of @YearsofLiving learning about carbon pricing, a topic that not many know about (including me!!!) and not many find interesting (let's be honest!!), I thought the best way to get you guys the info you need would be to hand it over to these guys and gals. In the coming weeks, they’ll share their personal stories about how carbon pricing can and will solve climate change. PLEASE PLEASE take a second to read their posts. It's five minutes out of your Sunday that will help you make a difference, THE DIFFERENCE, the world needs.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




