unicefのインスタグラム(unicef) - 7月12日 05時11分

Susan Andua, 5, plays in the village, outside of her home in Nimule, #SouthSudan. “I asked her that too!” Susan’s mother Florence said with a laugh as she continued to press the laundry with a small charcoal-heated iron. The bubbly Susan had just said she wanted to be a pilot when she grew up. Her mother explained: “One day she asked her teacher what makes those planes in the sky go, and her teacher said it was humans, people who go to school a lot. My daughter decided she wanted to be a pilot, and she would go to school a lot.” However, Susan was not at school this week as she has an eye problem that stops her going to school at the moment. “It hurts, but my mother took me to see the clinic.” She writes confidently for her age on her own chalkboard, a small piece of chalk borrowed from a neighbor. After writing her age, she continued writing to 10. “When I don’t go to school I help my mother with the maize, and in the house. But mostly I like my chalkboard and doing my homework. Oh, and football.” © UNICEF/UNI203956/Everett


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