ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 7月14日 06時16分

Hours after the nation mourned #Dallas’s 5 slain police officers, friends, strangers and fellow officers began saying goodbye, one by one. Earlier today, @davidmryder photographed officer Kyle Purdue of the Lubbock Police saluting a hearse that carried the coffin of Sr. Cpl. Lorne B. Ahrens of the Dallas Police Department. Hundreds of uniformed officers from around the country rose as bagpipes played and the family of Corporal Ahrens entered Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas. 2 officers remembered Corporal Ahrens, a 48-year-old father of 2, for his bravery, friendship and deep dedication. “When you were on the radio screaming for help, you could count on Lorne to be the first to be there,” Sr. Cpl. Debbie Taylor said. Services were also held today for Officer Brent Thompson of the Dallas Area Rapid Transit force and Sgt. Michael J. Smith of the Dallas Police Department. Services for the other 2 officers killed last week by a sniper will be held on Friday and Saturday. To see more photos, follow @davidmryder, who is in #Dallas on #nytassignment.


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