I did a 'sit down' event in NYC not long ago and I had a girl raise her hand to ask a question... she said, "what do you do if, for example, if someone brings a box of donuts to the office and you have one... how do you get back on track?". Firstly, it's a donut, it's not the end of the world. Try not to be so hard on yourself, it's all about balance. I explained this concept to a friend once and after she thanked me and understood what I meant. ☝️Your body has absolutely NO IDEA what food you are eating, it recognises nutrients. When you eat a burger, your body doesn't think "that's a burger✅ and its bad for you, store it all as fat". Your body only recognises the nutrients the food provides. Your body, sees protein, some carbs, a little good fat (poly/mono unsaturated), and some bad fat (trans/saturated) etc it doesn't necessarily know you just ate a burger. It has no idea you ate a cookie or a donut and it doesn't get sad about it and punish you. The worst part about the donut for example is how YOU THINK ABOUT IT. Yes, there are better choices of food, but you also need balance in life. Be realistic with yourself and be balanced. You can have a donut or cookie here or there ..so long as the majority of your food is balanced and healthy in moderation for your lifestyle goals. #everythinginmoderation Think about it for a second, the big picture..... and enjoy your donut ? www.kaylaitsines.com/app

kayla_itsinesさん(@kayla_itsines)が投稿した動画 -

ケイラ・アイトサインズのインスタグラム(kayla_itsines) - 8月1日 18時08分

I did a 'sit down' event in NYC not long ago and I had a girl raise her hand to ask a question... she said, "what do you do if, for example, if someone brings a box of donuts to the office and you have one... how do you get back on track?". Firstly, it's a donut, it's not the end of the world. Try not to be so hard on yourself, it's all about balance.
I explained this concept to a friend once and after she thanked me and understood what I meant. ☝️Your body has absolutely NO IDEA what food you are eating, it recognises nutrients. When you eat a burger, your body doesn't think "that's a burger✅ and its bad for you, store it all as fat". Your body only recognises the nutrients the food provides. Your body, sees protein, some carbs, a little good fat (poly/mono unsaturated), and some bad fat (trans/saturated) etc it doesn't necessarily know you just ate a burger. It has no idea you ate a cookie or a donut and it doesn't get sad about it and punish you.
The worst part about the donut for example is how YOU THINK ABOUT IT. Yes, there are better choices of food, but you also need balance in life. Be realistic with yourself and be balanced. You can have a donut or cookie here or there ..so long as the majority of your food is balanced and healthy in moderation for your lifestyle goals. #everythinginmoderation Think about it for a second, the big picture..... and enjoy your donut ?



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