Miu Miuのインスタグラム(miumiu) - 8月16日 20時57分

? @pollymorganartist for #girlinmiumiu? “It’s funny, I'm 36 and yet I always call my friends girls. I never really refer to myself as a woman – only on a few occasions when I'm trying to be grown up, or I'm arguing with someone on the telephone or something. I suppose woman is the term that you use if you want to be taken seriously, but my mother wouldn’t have called herself, or her friends, girls, when she was 36. I was recently wondering just what that meant, whether it kind of showed an unwillingness to grow up in me, and I didn't come to any particular conclusions about it, but I think I would concur that it is probably about describing a certain sense of freedom, and not defining yourself in those terms of traditional womanhood: being a mother or a wife, or any of those things. I think the term 'girl' tends to make you feel less constrained.” – part 5 of 9, interview @oliviajsinger, ? @timowirsching #miumiuAUTOMNE16


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