Miu Miuのインスタグラム(miumiu) - 8月17日 01時26分

? @pollymorganartist for #girlinmiumiu? “I don't think of my work in terms of my gender – although there is a slight feminine sensibility to my work, being a woman only impacts my work in the sense that it is inescapable and I suppose my experiences as a woman must colour my view of the world. I'm always a bit disappointed if I'm referred to as a female artist - people don't ever say ‘he’s a male artist’, or curate exhibitions celebrating ‘male art’. A while ago, I was part of a show in Washington, for the National Museum of Women and the Arts, called Women to Watch, and I was chosen to represent England so I was flattered, but I felt slightly unsure about it. I can see why it is necessary, or was necessary, to have a museum dedicated to celebrating women, but it would have felt even better if it had just been a National Museum of the Arts.” – part 6 of 9, interview @oliviajsinger, ? @timowirsching #miumiuAUTOMNE16


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